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Name four components of the ecosystem (b) How does the carbon cycle explain the…

(a) Name four components of the ecosystem

(b) How does the carbon cycle explain the inter-dependence of the components in the ecosystem? 


(a) Four components of the ecosystem are:

(i) Lithosphere (solid-earth crust)

(ii) Hydrosphere (liquid component)

(iii)Atmosphere (gaseous component)

(iv) Biosphere (Living organisms component).

(b) Carbon cycles have helped to explain the inter-dependence of the components in the ecosystem in the following ways.

(i) There is the inter-relationship between plants and the atmosphere as it is from the atmosphere that plan. derive the carbon dioxide that they need for photosynthesis. Then man and other animals give out carbon dioxide through the process of respiration.

(ii) There is an inter-dependence within the biotic components themselves. The herbivores together with the carnivores and decomposers, pass on the energy and matter

(iii) Man also contribute to the carbon in the atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuel, e.g coal, petroleum, liquid gas and burning of wood