Home » Commerce » Explain any five obstacles working against the achievement of the objectives of ECOWAS 

Explain any five obstacles working against the achievement of the objectives of ECOWAS 

Explain any five obstacles working against the achievement of the objectives of ECOWAS


Obstacles working against ECOWAS include:

(i) Language problem: Economic integration within the region has been hindered by differences in language.

(ii) Political instability: Constant change of government of member countries has limited the achievement of its objectives.

(iii) Lack of infrastructural facilities: Infrastructural facilities like good road networks, modern communication systems are absent in the region, thereby limiting its achievement.

(iv) Affinity to former colonial masters: The Francophone countries, for example, are yet to cut the economic chains binding them to France.

(v) Currency problems: In this region, there are more than twelve different currency units and this has made a payment more difficult.

(vi) Smuggling: This problem of smuggling is exacerbated by the free movement of “community citizens”.